Doctrinal Statement
Doctrinal Statement
We believe
that God is the sole creator, sustainer, and ruler of all things, infinitely perfect, all-powerful, omniscient, omnipresent and eternally existing as a Trinity…One God in three equal persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
We believe
that Jesus Christ is God’s only begotten Son, eternally co-equal and inseparable with the Father and the Holy Spirit; that even though He is Almighty God, Christ Jesus took upon himself a human form, being conceived by the Holy Spirit; born of the Virgin Mary; that he lived a sinless life; willingly and totally took all of man’s sins upon himself; that in accordance with the scriptures, He suffered and died as a sacrifice and full substitution for all of mankind’s sins; and that He rose again bodily from the dead. Afterward, He ascended into Heaven where He sits at the Father’s right hand, acting as our advocate and High Priest. He will bodily come again to the Earth to reign in Glory on David’s throne as Israel’s Messiah and afterward judge the living and the dead, and to raise believers to eternal life while casting unbelievers into Hell and eternal separation from God.
We believe
that the Holy Spirit convicts the world of sin and that He alone converts people to salvation in Christ. That he sanctifies believers and dwells within their hearts, empowering them to lead Christ-like lives. That the Holy Spirit also endows us with individual spiritual gifts with which to serve the church and reach out to the unsaved.
We believe
The Holy Bible is God’s inspired Word, without error in the original writings, whose purpose is to reveal His full plan of salvation for sinful man. As such The Bible is the final authority for all Christian faith and life.
We acknowledge
that all who believe are born-again into eternal life, and comprise the Body of Christ and His universal church on earth. Each believer is baptized in the Holy Spirit and that our mission is to evangelize and preach the Gospel to all people.
We declare
and affirm that the study program offered by this organization is Bible-based, Conservative and Evangelical. Also that our eschatological view is Premillennial, and Dispensational. Our sole purpose is to help educate Christians so that they will mature in their faith, and to equip them to evangelize others by the leading of the Holy Spirit.